What is it?

Our City is creating a Climate Action Plan (CAP) to better prepare our community from the effects of climate change. We want YOUR input to use the best strategies, actions, and local priorities that will help us cut pollution/contamination and protect Pico Rivera from climate challenges. Your experiences and ideas are needed—let’s shape a greener, more resilient future together!

Why now?

Our community is feeling the heat, struggling with dry spells, and the air quality is not the best.

Creating a CAP will help us plan for a healthier and safer tomorrow.

CAP Development Timeline

Jan -

Identify Areas of Community Concerns

- June

Develop and prioritize solutions


Release Draft CAP for community feedback

Oct -

Revise and finalize CAP

Upcoming Engagement Opportunities

Contact Information

For more information, please contact: 

The Office of Sustainability | (562) 801-4244 | sustainability@pico-rivera.org

Create your own user feedback survey

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