Economic Development Division
The Community & Economic Development Division is dedicated to community, business welfare, and continually strive to improve upon key economic development principles such as a business-friendly environment, attractive quality of life, and smart land use. Whether it is navigating through a maze of red tape, plan checks or business licenses, the City has business support services that can help.
Our Services
- Over-the-counter evaluations regarding City regulatory requirements.
- New businesses can obtain a fee waiver to display a banner on the frontage of their building to promote a grand opening. Banner permit is valid for up to 60 days. A $100 refundable deposit is required. The banner permit application can be downloaded here.
- For more information regarding business licensing, please visit Apply for a Business License or call Ms. Georgette Impecoven at (562) 801-4329.
Programa Emprendedor@s 2025
¿Has soñado con tener o hacer crecer tu negocio? La ciudad de Pico Rivera lanzara cursos en español para propietarios de pequeños negocios. La Ciudad se une a la Asociación de Emprendedor@s para organizar un programa GRATUITO de 8 semanas que cubrirá cómo iniciar, hacer crecer y operar un negocio. Este curso se llevará a cabo en persona con sesiones todos los miércoles del 5 de marzo al 23 de Abril, 5-7 pm. Los talleres se imparten exclusivamente en español. La inscripción está limitada a 30 personas, regístrese lo antes posible para asegurar su lugar hoy.
Haga clic aquí para ver el folleto del Programa Emprendedor@s.
Para registrarte, llama al (714) 640-6908.
Economic Mobility Initiative (EMI)
The Department of Economic Opportunity in partnership with the Los Angeles Economic Development Corporation is offering entrepreneurs and business owners support to start and grow a business. They can provide technical assistance, training, access to capital, access to commercial space and entrepreneurship academies. Participants can access networking, mentorship, need-based stipends and ongoing support opportunities. For more information visit LACountyEMI.com or call (844) 432-4900.
Contact Us
You may contact us by phone, email, or in person at the public counter during normal business hours.
Hours of Operation are 7:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday.
Economic Development Division
6615 Passons Boulevard
Pico Rivera, CA 90660
(562) 801-4332
Chamber of Commerce
The Economic Development Division is committed to helping businesses expand, stay and move within the City. Dedicated to community and business welfare, we continually strive to improve upon key economic development principles such as a business-friendly environment, attractive quality of life, smart land use, and ongoing upgrades to City infrastructure. The City is focused on cultivating a healthy and diverse economic climate to enable the growth and maintenance of a diversified tax base that supports strong employment opportunities for our residents.
Whether it is navigating through a maze of red tape, business marketing assistance, or employee recruitment, the City has business support services that can help. Best of all, the City’s business support services are provided at no cost to you. It’s our way of making sure that our business community remains strong, healthy, and competitive.
Filming in Pico Rivera
A New Way to Engage
6615 Passons Boulevard Pico Rivera, CA 90660
Phone Number: (562) 942-2000
City Hall is open Monday – Thursday
7:30AM to 5:30PM