Yes. Any person doing business, conducting any trading, or practicing any profession within the City must apply for a business license. Please visit City Hall during office hours to obtain packets and assistance. Business license application packets are available via telephone, fax, e-mail, or online. For more information, please contact the Revenue Division at 562-801-4321.
If your pet lost its tag, you can obtain a replacement at SEAACA. The cost of a new tag is $3.00.
Yes. City personnel must have access to your utility meters at all times to change service, check for leaks, or to take readings.
Your tap water comes from local groundwater wells that supply our service area.
Your water is tested weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annually to ensure that it meets required quality levels at the source and in the distribution system. State and federal laws also mandate that tests for some substances be made less frequently because their levels do not change. Specially-trained technicians in state-certified laboratories conduct all water quality tests.
Agencies are required to produce an Annual Water Quality Report for their customers. The reports are mailed every year in early summer. Copies are also available at City Hall.
If you have problems with your water service, check with your neighbors to see if they have similar problems. Contact a plumber at your discretion and cost if the problem is concentrated at your home. If the problem is neighborhood-wide, contact the Water Division at 562-801-4316.
All bills must be paid by the due date. If not paid on time, Delinquent bills will result in service disconnection. Customers will receive a ten-day “Notice of Delinquency” and a subsequent seven-day “Turn Off Notice.” before service being disconnected.
In the event your water service is disconnected due to non-payment on the account, a restoration service fee will be charged to cover teh costs of re-connecting water service. In addition, a further deposit may be required to re-establish credit prior to restoring water service. The restoration fee is $61 if paid before 2:00pm on the day of disconnection or $350.00 after 2:00pm.
The current budget is available online.
In case of an emergency when City Hall is closed, call the Emergency Water Answering Service at (800) 759-5569. Personnel will contact the appropriate City standby employee to respond to the emergency.
You can call, email or visit City Hall to terminate water service. Same day termination requests must be made by 2:00 pm, during normal City Hall hours. The refundable deposit is applied to the final bill and the refund, without interest, will be sent to the forwarding address provided.
If your address is served by the City of Pico Rivera, apply in person at the Water Division, located in City Hall, 6615 Passons Blvd, Monday through Friday from 7:00am to 5:30pm (City Hall is closed every Friday) The City recommends that you apply at least one day before water service is needed to ensure a timely connection.
If you are not serviced by the City of Pico Rivera, but you live in the City, the following water districts also serve residents of Pico Rivera:
Pico Water District
San Gabriel Valley Water Company
If you believe your bill is incorrect, please contact Water Billing at (562) 801-4316 or waterservices@pico-rivera.org.
The City publishes a Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for every fiscal year. A copy of the most current report is available online.
Yes. Pico Rivera dog licenses are only valid within City limits. You must secure a license for your pet from the South East Area Animal Control Authority (SEAACA) within 30 days after it is brought into the City or reached four months in age. Dog licenses must be renewed each year by July 31st. The licensing period is July 1st through June 30th. Licenses may be obtained from SEAACA located at 9777 Seaaca Street, Downey, CA 90241. For more information about dog licensing, please contact SEAACA at (562)803-3301 or www.seaaca.org.
The current budget is available online.
In order to obtain a dog license, the owner must be a Pico Rivera resident. The owner must present a current Rabies Certificate when paying the $35 dog license fee. There is also a one time $3.00 tag fee. The tag fee is only applied whenever you need a new tag. Animal licensing services are provided by the South East Area Animal Control Authority (SEAACA). For more information about animal licensing requirements, please contact SEAACA at (562)803-3301 or www.seaaca.org.
Deposits will be refunded, without interest, when service is terminated. Any outstanding balances on the account which are due will be deducted from the deposit.
Residential accounts are billed bi-monthly. Commercial accounts are billed monthly.
If your pets are spayed or neutered, you qualify for a reduced rate of $17.50. If you require a tag, you will be charged an extra $3.00 tag fee. You must provide proof of Sterilization in order to receive the reduced rate.
If you are a senior citizen above the age of 62, you qualify for a reduced rate of $21.00. Please bring your ID in order to verify your age.
If you are a senior citizen and your pets are spayed or neutered, you qualify for a reduced rate of $9.00.
For more information about dog licensing, please contact SEAACA at (562)803-3301 or www.seaaca.org.
All water accounts are charged a minimum amount called a “Base Rate.” Depending on meter size, the base rate is charged to pay the fixed costs incurred in providing water service, including supply, facility maintenance, treatment, and distribution. This charge appears on every bill and does not change during the year. In addition to the base rate, charges will vary depending on the amount of water used.
An Encroachment/ Excavation Permit Application must be filled out and turned in to the Public Works Department for review. Once it has been reviewed and approved a permit will be issued. Each submittal is reviewed on a case by case basis. The minimum requirements to obtain a permit can be found by clicking here.
The trash is collected every day (as per published schedule), except on six holidays: New Year’s, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas. On these days, trash collection is delayed by one day. To find out when your trash is scheduled for pick up, click on the link provided below.
NASA Services, Inc. is responsible for picking up all solid waste and other recyclables in the City of Pico Rivera. Please call their Customer Service Department. You may also call them if you have any questions regarding renting dumpsters, special pick-ups or pick up of large items, recycling and general solid waste questions.
NASA Services Inc.: Customer Service Department (888) 888-0388
Please contact our Field Operations Division for any questions or issues related to public street sweeping by calling (562) 801-4415
Please call the South East Area Animal Control Authority (SEAACA) at (562) 803-3301. They will assist you with removal of dead or injured animals located on private property.
The City’s Public Works Department takes care of maintaining trees planted at public rights-of-way only. If the tree is located in this area, please call Public Works to report your problem, or fill out an online Service Request Form provided below. The department will endeavor to take care of your concerns as soon as possible. Please be ready to provide your name, address and contact telephone number and the nature of your problem.
- Public Works Department (562) 801-4415
- Service Request Form
The City maintains all alleys utilized for refuse collection and/or sewer line maintenance. Private alleyways, however, are the responsibility of the homeowner/s.
Before reporting the outage, please do the following:
- Write down the address nearest to the pole
- Check the pole number (this should be posted on the pole at about head height). Write down the number so you will have it handy when you make the phone call
- Note if the light is out completely or turns on and off. Also, note if there is any damage to the pole
With all this information in hand, please call Southern California Edison. You may also report the outage by logging on to the Southern California Edison website.
- Southern California Edison (800) 611-1911
- Southern California Edison (Report Outages) / www.sce.com
Each business is responsible for retrieving their shopping carts. If a business name is visible on the shopping cart, the business can be contacted to request pick up of the cart.
If no business name is visible, you may contact the Public Works Department at (562) 801-4415 to request pick up of the shopping cart or submit an online Service Request.
City Council meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month beginning at 6:00 p.m. The council meets in the City Council Chambers at City Hall.
Human Resources
Current job openings are posted on the City’s website here.
Benefit information specific to a position can be obtained by clicking on the benefits tab on the job bulletin for each position in the City. These benefits are established per bargaining group and are periodically revised. Employees are entitled to a benefit package that may include , but is not limited to, the following:
Retirement Benefits
Life Insurance program and short- and long-term disability insurance
Medical, dental and vision insurance
Paid holidays
Paid vacation
Sick leave
Administrative leave
Details are contained within the applicable MOU or Compensation Plan for each position.
Click here to view current job opportunities and then follow these steps:
Step 1: Review the job posting for:
Posted Recruitments (Open or Promotional)
Determine if you meet the minimum qualifications
Step 2: Click the “Apply” link and follow the instructions for filling out and submitting an online application.
Make sure that all fields on the application are filled out and all necessary documentation is attached and submitted. Applications that do not include all requested information may be dismissed as an incomplete application and not be considered for the job.
An Open recruitment is open to all candidates, whereas a Promotional recruitment is open to current hourly and full-time City of Pico Rivera employees who are not in their probationary period.
No, a completed job application must be submitted to be considered for a job opening. A resume may be attached to a job application as a way to provide more information about your qualifications.
If you are interested in a job that is not currently being recruited for, fill out an online job interest card by clicking on the class specification title and then on the ‘Notify me when this position becomes available’ link.
Once the recruitment period for a job opening is closed, Human Resources staff members review each application to ensure the application is completely filled out and that the applicant meets the minimum qualifications. Answers to any Supplemental Questions and all Supporting Documentation are also reviewed. Those applicants who fulfill the requirements of the job based on the information contained in the application will be invited to participate in the testing process.
An eligibility list is a list of applicants that passed the testing process for a position and are eligible to be hired for that position. Usually, these lists have an expiration date.
Candidates on the eligibility list may be called for one or more interviews with the hiring department.
We will contact you via email, usually 2 to 3 weeks after the closing date of the recruitment.
Contact Public Works by calling (562) 801-4415.
Yes, both at the Parks & Recreation Department and the Pico Rivera City Hall.
Yes, both at the Parks & Recreation Department and the Pico Rivera City Hall.
You can contact SEAACA (Animal Control) by calling (562) 803-3301.
Dial 911 to inform the authorities of gang activity in the parks.
Yes, to sign up call La Mirada Volunteer Center at (562) 943-3177.
Applications for a Tap Card Bus Pass for Senior, Students and the Disabled can be obtained at the Parks & Recreation Department. Applications are mailed or taken to the nearest MTA or Montebello Bus Outlets. Tap Card Bus Pass are refillable each month at the Parks & Recreation Department from 30 days from first use.
The City of Pico Rivera offers it’s residents a discounted price for qualified MTA Senior Bus Pass – $7.00 Monthly, MTA Disabled – $3.00, MTA Students – $10.00, MTA College/Voc. – $13.00, Montebello Student Cash Value (20-rides) $10.00, Montebello Monthly – $25.00.
Tap Card Bus Pass
Montebello Bus Lines
400 So. Taylor Street
Montebello, CA 90640
MTA Customer Service
4501 “B” Whittier Blvd.
East Los Angeles, CA 90022
The City of Pico Rivera can only refill Tap Card Bus Passes to Seniors, the Disabled and Students.
No, we can only refill Tap Card Bus Passes.
A temporary pass can be obtained at any authorized outlet center.
Planning Residential
Only one meter of each utility is allowed per dwelling unit. If you have two or more legal dwelling units and would like to have separate utility meters for each, please contact the Planning Division or the Building Division at (562) 801-4332. The City must approve the installation of the new meter.
You cannot add a separate utility meter for illegal units, garage conversions, playrooms, rumpus rooms, pool houses, illegally split homes, individual bedrooms, guest houses, etc.
To verify the Zoning and General Plan designation of your property, please contact the Planning Division at (562) 801-4332.
A Zoning Map is available for your review at the public counter during business hours. If you need a map for your business or for research purposes, you can purchase one for a fee or you can view the map online by visiting the Planning Division’s page and selecting “Zoning Map” from the side-navigation menu.
The City may have a copy of a general site plan for your property within its address files; however, in most cases, there is no detailed site plan or floor plan. It is best to call or visit the public counter and review the address file.
Construction of an addition to your residence will require review and approval by various departments in addition to the Planning Division. The Planning Division’s area of responsibility will be to verify that the proposed addition (whether it is a patio cover, an enclosed addition to the house, accessory structure, or a basic remodel) complies with the development standards (setbacks, lot coverage, height limits, parking, etc.) and architectural requirements that apply in your home’s zoning district.
The Planning Division will need the following, at a minimum, to ensure an accurate review: a Site Plan, a Floor Plan and Elevations. All drawings must be to scale (either to an Architect’s scale or Engineer’s scale) with dimensions.
To determine the processing time, applicable fees, and submittal requirements, contact the Planning Division at (562) 801-4332 and submit as a PDF either via email or in-person in a flash drive.
The regulated distances to property lines and distances between structures are dependent upon your property’s zoning. If you know the zoning for your property, you can find the setback requirements in Section 18.42 of the Municipal Code under the ‘Property Development Regulations Chart’. If you do not know the zoning for your property, please contact the Planning Division and provide staff with your property’s address so that they may be able to provide you with the setback information.
Only properties within the Residential Estate (R-E) zoned district that has a lot size of 10,000 square feet or more may keep horses. For the first 10,000 square feet, you may have two horses, and with each additional 5,000 square feet, you may have one additional horse to a maximum of four horses. For example, if a property was 21,000 square feet in lot size that property may have four houses; however if the property were 9,940 square feet that property may not have any horses.
Yes, you need Planning Division approval to expand and/or repave your driveway. You will need to provide a site plan either drawn to scale or have all dimensions identified and indicate where the driveway will be expanded and or repaved. Please contact the Planning Division for further details regarding driveway expansion regulations, which may include the required installation of a block wall.
Yes, you are required to submit a site plan, a floor plan, and construction details if you are replacing an existing covered patio. No work may commence until the Planning Division, Building Division and Public Works Department have given their approval and the property owner or contractor has been issued building permits.
Public Works
An Encroachment/ Excavation Permit Application must be filled out and turned in to the Public Works Department for review. Once it has been reviewed and approved, a permit will be issued. Each submittal is reviewed on a case-by-case basis. The minimum requirements to obtain a permit can be found by clicking here.
The trash is collected every day (as per the published schedule), except on six holidays: New Year’s, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. These days, trash collection is delayed by one day. To find out when your trash is scheduled for pick up, click on the link provided below.
NASA Services, Inc. is responsible for picking up all solid waste and other recyclables in the City of Pico Rivera. Please call their Customer Service Department. You may also call them if you have any questions regarding renting dumpsters, special pick-ups or pick up of large items, recycling and general solid waste questions.
NASA Services Inc.: Customer Service Department (888) 888-0388
Please contact our Field Operations Division for any questions or issues related to public street sweeping by calling (562) 801-4415
Please call the South East Area Animal Control Authority (SEAACA) at (562) 803-3301. They will assist you with the removal of dead or injured animals located on private property.
The City’s Public Works Department takes care of maintaining trees planted at public rights-of-way only. If the tree is located in this area, please call Public Works to report your problem, or fill out an online Service Request Form provided below. The department will endeavor to address your concerns as soon as possible. Please be ready to provide your name, address, contact telephone number, and the nature of your problem.
Public Works Department (562) 801-4415
The City maintains all alleys utilized for refuse collection and/or sewer line maintenance. Private alleyways, however, are the responsibility of the homeowner/s.
Before reporting the outage, please do the following:
Write down the address nearest to the pole
Check the pole number (this should be posted on the pole at about head height). Write down the number so you will have it handy when you make the phone call
Note if the light is out completely or turns on and off. Also, note if there is any damage to the pole
With all this information in hand, please call Southern California Edison. You may also report the outage by logging on to the Southern California Edison website.
Southern California Edison (800) 611-1911
Southern California Edison (Report Outages) / www.sce.com
Each business is responsible for retrieving its shopping carts. If a business name is visible on the shopping cart, the business can be contacted to request pick up of the cart.
If no business name is visible, you may contact the Public Works Department at (562) 801-4415 to request pick up of the shopping cart or submit an online Service Request.
Senior Services
Open Monday through Thursday between 8 am to 5 pm. Senior Center is closed Friday through Sunday.
The Senior Center is for adults 50 years of age and older.
There is no membership fee.
- Fitness Room
- Billiard Room / Game Room
- Computer Lab
- Information and Referral Services
- Daily Nutrition Program
- Preventative Health Screenings
- Tax Assistance
- Legal Assistance
- Transportation Services
- Recreational Classes
- Zumba Gold
- Sunrise Stretch
- City Walkers
- Yoga
- Computer Classes
- Fresh Floral Design
- Quilting
- Basic Sewing
- Senior Coed Softball Team
- Dances
- Arts & Crafts
- Painting for the Adult Artist
- Life Story Writing
Dial-A-Van provides free curb-to-curb transportation service within the city to all Pico Rivera residents 55 years of age and up and to disabled residents of any age. Prior to utilizing the service, all interested residents must complete a registration application. Applications are available at the Senior Center, 9200 Mines Avenue. For more information about the Dial-A-Ride program, contact the Senior Center at 562-948-4844.
Dial-A-Cab provides taxicab transportation to seniors 55 and up and disabled residents of Pico Rivera anywhere within the City and to approved medical satellite points. The DAC service provider (Fiesta Taxi) has five ADA-accessible vans for use in Pico Rivera.
Registration: Prior to utilizing the DAC service, all interested residents must complete a registration application and be issued a Transit I.D. card. Registration forms are available at the Pico Rivera Senior Center.
A $5 one-time registration fee or if you lose your I.D. card.
$1.00 charge per one-way trip, (20 trips per month limit.)
The DAC service is available seven days a week, 24 hours a day.
For additional information, please call (562) 948-4844.
Visit the Pico Rivera Senior Center (9200 Mines Avenue) or call (562) 948-4844.
Yes, the Nutrition Program is always in need of assistance, Monday through Friday, anytime between 8:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. Interested individuals are welcome to complete and submit the City of Pico Rivera Volunteer Application Form and either drop it off at the Senior Center or mail it into Human Resources Volunteer Services at:
City of Pico Rivera
Human Resources Volunteer Services
PO Box 1016
Pico Rivera, CA 90660
Water Division
If your address is served by the City of Pico Rivera, apply in person at the Water Division, located in City Hall, 6615 Passons Blvd, Monday through Friday from 7:00am to 5:30pm (City Hall is closed every Friday) The City recommends that you apply at least one day before water service is needed to ensure a timely connection.
If you are not serviced by the City of Pico Rivera, but you live in the City, the following water districts also serve residents of Pico Rivera:
Pico Water District
San Gabriel Valley Water Company
If you are having problems with your water service, check with your neighbors to see if they have similar problems. If the problem is concentrated at your home, contact a plumber at your discretion and cost. If the problem is neighborhood-wide, contact the Water Division at 562-801-4316.
All bills must be paid by the due date. Delinquent bills, if not paid on time, will result in service disconnection. Customers will receive a ten-day “Notice of Delinquency” and a subsequent seven-day “Turn Off Notice.” prior to service being disconnected.
In the event your water service is disconnected due to non-payment on the account, a restoration service fee will be charged to cover teh costs of re-connecting the water service. In addition, a further deposit may be required to re-establish credit prior to restoring water service. The restoration fee is $61 if paid before 2:00 pm on the day of disconnection or $350.00 after 2:00 pm.
In case of an emergency when City Hall is closed, call the Emergency Water Answering Service at (800) 759-5569. Personnel will contact the appropriate City standby employee to respond to the emergency.
You can call, email or visit City Hall to terminate water service. Same-day termination requests must be made by 2:00 pm, during normal City Hall hours. The refundable deposit is applied to the final bill and the refund, without interest, will be sent to the forwarding address provided.
Yes, to view a calendar please go to the “Home Page” of the City’s website. As a general rule and as established by City Council resolution, the Pico Rivera City Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall at 6615 Passons Boulevard. There are also special meetings that are held and these will be posted online.
Absolutely, you have three minutes to do so by using a green speaker card for items that are listed on the agenda.
Claim forms can be downloaded from the City’s website at www.pico-rivera.org or you may call the City Clerk’s Office at 562-801-4390 to have one faxed or mailed to you.
If you believe your bill is incorrect, please contact Water Billing at (562) 801-4316 or waterservices@pico-rivera.org.
Please provide the following in order to have water service started at your home, apartment, or business:
Address being served;
Proof of ownership or a rental agreement;
a $101 (residential) or $304 (commercial) refundable deposit;
a $20 non-refundable application fee (cash, check, or money order), and
a valid form of personal identification.
Commercial service will require the Federal Tax identification number.
Deposits will be refunded, without interest, when service is terminated. Any outstanding balances on the account which are due will be deducted from the deposit.
Residential accounts are billed bi-monthly. Commercial accounts are billed monthly.
All water accounts are charged a minimum amount called a “Base Rate.” The base rate, depending on meter size, is charged to pay the fixed costs incurred in providing water service, including supply, facility maintenance, treatment, and distribution. This charge appears on every bill and does not change during the year. In addition to the base rate, charges will vary depending on the amount of water used.
Yes. City personnel must have access to your utility meters at all times to change service, check for leaks, or to take readings.
Your tap water comes from local groundwater wells that supply our service area.
Your water is tested weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annually to ensure that it meets required quality levels, at the source and in the distribution system. State and federal laws also mandate that tests for some substances be made less frequently because their levels do not change. Specially-trained technicians in state-certified laboratories conduct all water quality tests.
Agencies are required to produce an Annual Water Quality Report for their customers. The reports are mailed every year in early summer. Copies are also available at City Hall.
Building Division
A building permit is not required for one story, ground-level detached accessory structures used as tool or storage sheds, playhouses, and buildings of similar use, provided the floor area does not exceed 120 square feet. These structures shall not have electrical or plumbing.
However the location of the structure; regardless of the size, must obtain approval by the Planning Division prior to placement.
If your project is a very simple one, such as a window replacement, kitchen remodel, etc., you may be able to qualify for a minor-permit and be able to obtain the permit that day or soon thereafter. A “full” building permit processing will be necessary should the building envelope be increased and/or structural plans be required; geology and soils reports may also be necessary. These projects must be reviewed by specified City Divisions and Departments to ensure that they meet all the City’s requirements, and also that the construction is structurally sound. Depending on the nature of the project, you may also be required obtain approval from other non-City departments such as LA County Fire Department, LA County Health Department, etc.
The design of the building (and the structural calculations) is reviewed by the Plan Checker. The Planning Division also reviews the plans to ensure that the zoning regulations are being met. The Public Works Department Engineer checks the project for conformance to environmental quality laws and also makes sure that driveway drainage and grading meet City requirements. Additional fees may be required.
When the City review is completed, the Building Division staff will notify you that the plans have been checked and that you may now obtain your building permit. Once the permit is final, approved residential plans are retained by the City for a period of not less than 180 days. Plans for completed commercial and industrial construction are retained permanently.
After building plans are approved and signed by City staff, the permit is ready to “issue”. Either an owner/builder or a State licensed contractor may be issued a permit, but each must comply with the Workers Compensation Insurance laws. The State of California mandates that cities ensure that these laws are followed.
There is only one circumstance in which Workers Compensation Insurance is not needed, and that is if the owner/builder or contractor does all the work completely by him or herself. This means that you must have Workers Compensation Insurance regardless of whether the persons assisting you (i.e., family or friends) are paid or non-paid.
If a State-licensed contractor is being issued the permit, he/she will need a City business license, which will require that a contractor’s license (pocket card) be produced.
A Building Permit is valid for 180 days from the date of issuance. It may continue to be renewed every 180 days thereafter by calling for a required City inspection, which will demonstrate progress is being made in completing the work. If work authorized under a permit is suspended for 180 days or more, the permit will lapse. A permit may be extended for 180 days by paying a Permit extension fee to extend the permit, provided no changes have been made in the original plans and the work has not been suspended or abandoned for a year or more. The permit may be “renewed” after expiration by payment of the full permit fee. It is possible that plans may need to be rechecked for conformance with current codes.
Residents are advised that the construction of new structures (and alterations to existing structures) requires a City building permit. Structures that are constructed without a building permit are often not built to code and in some cases cannot be legalized due to zoning regulations (such as garage conversions).
There are various fees involved in legalizing unpermitted construction and such fees can include, but are not limited to: a review fee by the Planning Division, a Housing Investigation fee, a plan check review fee by the Building Division, a fee for the building permit, Waste Management Fees, School Fees, a demolition permit fee, etc.
There are other out-of-pocket expenses, such as fees for obtaining an architect or engineer to draw out your plans, the cost of labor to bring the structure(s) up to code and the cost of materials.
For specific information regarding how you can legalize your non-permitted construction and to determine if such construction can be legalized, please contact the Planning Division at (562) 801-4332.
If you suspect your neighbor of altering or adding to his property without a permit or Planning Division approval you can report it to the Building Division at (562) 801-4360.
You may call the Building Division at (562) 801-4360 or visit our Counter at City Hall. Inspections can only be scheduled by speaking directly to a Counter Services Representative. When placing an inspection request, please have the following information available: the project address or location, the builder’s name, the type of inspection, the permit number, and a telephone number where you may be reached. Inspection requests received by the Department before 3 p.m. will typically be scheduled for the next business day. Requests received after 3 p.m. will be scheduled for the second business day.
With only a few exceptions, a building permit must be issued prior to the commencement of work to erect, construct, enlarge, alter, move, improve, remove, convert, or demolish any building or structure. Other permits, i.e. electrical, plumbing or mechanical, may also be required. A permit applies to work on the interior as well as the exterior of the structure. A permit for minor work may be approved over the counter or within a few days. Work covered by the building permit must have a final city inspection before the project can be considered complete. Due to the diversity of construction projects, we would recommend that you contact our Building Division to discuss the types of permits and City review process that may be required for your proposed project. Based on the construction valuation, permit fees will also be charged. The Building Division may be reached at (562) 801-4360 or visit our Counter at City Hall.
A permit is required whenever a building or structure is being demolished. This is to assure that construction debris has been removed, sewer or septic lines have been properly capped and the site is restored to a safe condition to ensure that all health and safety hazards have been removed. Demolition permits are usually issued over the counter at the Building Division, and the permit fees are minimal.
California State Law also requires that all contaminants, such as lead and asbestos, be properly disposed of. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that all demolition permit applicants first obtain clearance from the South Coast Air Quality Management District, prior to applying for a demolition permit from the City of Pico Rivera.
South Coast Air Quality Management District may be reached at 21865 Copley Dr. – Diamond Bar CA 91765, call (909) 396-2000, or visit the District’s website.
Some permits for minor work may be issued over the counter; such as:
- Residential Wall Furnace Replacement (Replacement only/ same location)
- Residential Electrical Panel Upgrade (Existing to 200 Amp maximum service)
- Residential Electrical Fixtures, Receptacles & Switches (Replacement of lighting and fixtures, receptacles or switches.)
- Residential Water Heater Replacement and Upgrade (replacement only- same location)
- Residential Water Piping Replacement (replacement only)
- Residential Free-Standing Blockwall; to 6 feet (new or replacement, Planning approval required).
Permit requirements and review processes vary, based on the type of swimming pool, spa, or hot tub that is being installed. We recommend that you contact the Building Division via phone at (562) 801-4360 or visit our Counter at City Hall.
Applications must be submitted on forms provided by the Building Division. You can download the preliminary form here and submit it to the Building Division. Note that most permits cannot be issued over-the-counter. Depending on the scope of work, you may be required to submit construction plans and also to obtain approvals from other departments or agencies. For more information, please contact the Building Division at (562) 801-4360.
When plans and specifications are required, they must be drawn to scale and must be of sufficient clarity to indicate the nature and extent of the work proposed. Plans must show in detail that such work will conform to all relevant laws, ordinances and regulations, including energy, structural calculations and soils reports when required. They may need to be signed by a licensed architect or registered civil engineer. The first sheet of each set must have the address of the site, the name and address of the owner and the name of the person who prepared the plans. Submittals must include a drawing showing the location of property lines, the building and/or the work to be done.
No, the City does not permit street vending, even for special holidays like Valentine’s Day, Easter, Mother’s Day, etc. To report a street vendor, please call the Neighborhood Improvement Division at 562.801.4332 during regular business hours, or contact Sherriff’s Station at 562.949.2421 during evenings and weekends.
The City offers numerous incentives for both new and existing businesses. For information regarding the types of incentives available, please visit this page: http://www.pico-rivera.org/bus/new/incentives_.asp
A Certificate of Occupancy (C of O) is a certificate issued by the City which authorizes the occupancy of a building for a specific business or purpose. A Certificate of Occupancy also signifies zoning approval, meaning that the business is located within an appropriately zoned property in conformance with the City’s zoning regulations. For more information, please visit this page: http://www.pico-rivera.org/depts/ced/building/certificate_of_occupancy.asp
The City offers numerous services to help your business on its road to success. For information regarding these services, please visit: http://www.pico-rivera.org/bus/new/new_business_assistance.asp
The City’s zoning atlas is available here: http://www.pico-rivera.org/civica/filebank/blobdload.asp?BlobID=2738
To find out which major businesses are located in the City, please visit: http://www.pico-rivera.org/bus/new/who.asp
For zoning information, please call the Planning Division at (562) 801-4332.
Yes, a business license application is required for businesses that are operated out of residential property. Note that home-based businesses typically involve a home office only, such as for phone calls, paperwork, emails, filing and mailing only.
Film permits are required for all motion picture, television or commercial still photography projects on both public or private property within the City of Pico Rivera. Exemptions to a film permit are: News media working on breaking news stories; Non-profit organizations (those with Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code designation); and, all filming intended solely for private use (i.e., home videos, school projects, etc.). For more information, please visit this page: http://www.pico-rivera.org/bus/fliming/default.asp
Fees for the business license vary by the type of business and anticipated gross receipts. For more information, please visit: http://www.pico-rivera.org/bus/new/licenses/default.asp or call the Business License Division at (562) 801-4329.
If your business is located in a commercial zone, you may be able to have the outdoor event at subject to the approval of a Temporary Use Permit. Generally, businesses located in industrial zones are not able to have outdoor events. For more information, please contact the Planning Division at 562.801.4332.
Yes, a business license application is required for businesses located outside of the City that are conducting business in the City of Pico Rivera. Examples include, but are not limited to: contractors, subcontractors, handyman services (i.e., plumbers, electricians, and roof installers), etc. For more information, please visit this page: http://www.pico-rivera.org/bus/new/licenses/outtown.asp
Information regarding properties for sale and spaces for lease is available at:
Note: This link and website for available sites are not maintained by the City.
The City of Pico Rivera requires a business license whenever any revenue is being generated within the City. A business license is required regardless of the trade, profession, or occupation and regardless of whether the main business address is located within the City. For information regarding business licenses, please visit this page: http://www.pico-rivera.org/bus/new/licenses/default.asp
To request a grand opening/ribbon-cutting event, please contact Raymond Chavez at (562) 801-4368 or via email at rchavez@pico-rivera.org.
Cars & Parking
To get involved, residents can attend meetings and learn about new parking laws that will be introduced and considered for the amendment to the City’s parking regulation. Simply click on the, “notification” tab, add your contact information, and you will receive an email or phone call about upcoming community meetings and public hearings.
The parking analysis began in February of 2019 with a field study of various locations to collect information about the City’s existing parking conditions. City staff estimates that the newly enacted parking regulation will not go into effect until 2020 or possibly 2021. The reason for this amount of time is because we want to ensure Pico Rivera is closely studied and proposed changes to the parking regulation are analyzed and vetted with input from residents and business owners whenever possible.
When enacted, new parking regulations could be more impactful in some areas and less in other parts of the City. For example, if your neighborhood is not experiencing poor parking conditions, more than likely the new regulation will not directly affect your street. However, if your street is heavily impacted by poor parking conditions, new regulation will be implemented with the intent of providing relief to these areas of the City.
A parking analysis is a method that will be used to study existing parking conditions throughout Pico Rivera’s residential, commercial, and industrial areas. The information gathered during the field study portion will be helpful in determining the behaviors which lead to poor parking conditions in the City. Information gathered from the field study is necessary to identify comprehensive solutions that will provide relief in areas that are affected with poor access to parking. In addition, the parking consultant will review the City’s current regulations to ensure sufficient parking is required for a diversity of land uses including restaurants, retail shops, and industrial warehouse buildings.
After careful consideration, the City Council will ultimately vote to decide which new ordinances are added to the City’s parking regulation. However, by attending meetings and providing input, residents can get involved with the process to ensure decision-makers are aware of specific parking issues.
Pico Rivera was incorporated as a City in 1958 and since then, the way we live and travel has changed due to modernization and an increase in population. In addition, the high cost of housing in southern California is most likely a major contributing factor as to why many households are multi-generational and find it necessary to live together in order to meet the demands of costly mortgages and rent. It is for these reasons, and possibly other contributing factors, that parking has become constrained in many areas of Pico Rivera. A study of the City’s existing parking conditions will allow the consultant to identify issues and make recommendations as to how particular parking problems throughout the City can best be resolved.
City Clerk
A City Clerk is a professional who possesses specialized training in many areas of public administration whether is by virtue of years of experience or academic training or a combination thereof. Among the areas of expertise for any City Clerk include: Elections, Legislative Process and Records Management. Additionally, the City Clerk must be well versed and have experience in Personnel Administration and Project Management. Generally speaking, the City Clerk acts as the City’s General Secretary and serves the Citizenry, the City Council and City Staff.
The process by which to request records in Pico Rivera is simple. You may request records by telephone, in writing, email or by visiting City Hall. Whichever method you use to request records from the City Clerk’s Office, be as specific as you can relative to the records you are seeking and also provide a specific time frame associated with said request. Please bear in mind that the Clerk’s Office has a 10 day window of time in which to determine if the records are to be released or if they are exempted.
Process in short:
City Clerk receives request.
Within 10 working days a determination is made regarding whether or not records are subject to disclosure.
If records are to be disclosed, the departments of the subject matter of the request are asked to provide the information to the City Clerk.
If the records are exempted (meaning they will not be released) under the provisions of the California Public Records Act, a letter is sent to the requestor stating so.
If records are to be disclosed, the City Clerk collects the information received from the departments, assembles the information and contacts the requestor to inform them of the fee associated with said request.
Upon payment of fee, records are either mailed or left with City Clerk staff waiting to be picked up.
In every instance, the City Clerk staff will work with you to ensure you obtain what you need in a timely manner. The City Clerk will also offer the option for you to make an appointment and inspect records in the City Clerk’s Office prior to staff making copies of said records if these can be released.
No, this is a function of the Los Angeles County Registrar Recorder- County Clerk’s Office in Norwalk. Their telephone number is (562) 462-2137.
The fee associated with records is $1.00 for the first page and 20 cents per page thereafter. However, for documents related to Campaign Disclosures under the Political Reform Act, the charge is 10 cents per page.
Elections in Pico Rivera are held in even-numbered years and in accordance with established City ordinances and other legal provisions. Elections are held in staggered terms, meaning that every two years in the even-numbered years, there are either two or three seats up for reelection. For example:
Council Members elected in November 2020 will be up for reelection in November 2024 (Three open seats for four year-terms)
Council Members elected in November 2022 will be up for reelection in November 2026 (Two open seats for four year-terms)
Council members in Pico Rivera are elected at-large meaning we do not have elections by district and they are elected to serve four-year terms.
Terms served by members of the City Council in the City of Pico Rivera be limited to not more than three (3) consecutive four (4) year terms, after which a member of the City Council shall not be qualified to serve in that elected office for a period of four (4) years.
In Pico Rivera all contact with the City Council including requests for appointments are handled through the City Council’s Executive Assistant who can be reached at (562) 801-4371.
The City Clerk by law is required to post a “Notice of Election” both in English and Spanish in a newspaper of general circulation such as the Whittier Daily News within specified time frames to give notice to the citizens. Further, the City’s website will also have this information and once the process of nominations begins, there will be further and frequent notices in the City’s Profile Newsletter that is disseminated to every Pico Rivera household.
You must be a city resident, be at least 18 years of age and be a registered voter of the City of Pico Rivera at the time you file your paperwork.
You must contact the City Clerk’s Office for specific information. However, there is a very specific process you must follow and meet certain requirements in order to be a candidate for office.
No, we are not. You may wish to visit your local post office to obtain a passport.
Main post office located at 6320 Passons Boulevard.
You may do so by stopping by City Hall and picking up a registration form that you can mail in or you may visit your local post office to obtain a registration form or you may visit the Los Angeles County Registrar Recorder- County Clerk’s Office in Norwalk and do so in person. They are located at 12400 Imperial Highway, in Norwalk. You may also register to vote at the local DMV. In any event, voter registration is handled by the Los Angeles County Office of the Registrar-Recorder County Clerk. This is not a City function.
You may contact the Los Angeles County Registrar Recorder- County Clerk’s Office in Norwalk. If you have access to the internet, you may check your voter registration card by logging onto: lavote.net their telephone number is (562) 462-2137.
By calling the City Clerk’s Office at (562) 801-4389 or by visiting lavote.gov
You may register to vote if you are a U.S. Citizen, a California resident, not in prison or on parole for the conviction of a felony and you must be at least 18 years of age at the time of the election.
You must re-register to vote if you have changed your residence or mailing address; or have changed your name; or you wish to change your political party affiliation.
Agendas are posted in accordance with and in compliance with Brown Act requirements, meaning that agendas for regularly held City Council meetings are posted at least 72 hours before the meeting. In Pico Rivera, the City Council agenda is posted on Thursday or Friday afternoon the week prior to the upcoming meeting. Agenda outlines are posted at City Hall on the bulletin board on the west entrance, at the main post office, Pico Park, Smith Park, and Rivera Park. Full agenda packets can be viewed online and can be found in the City Clerk’s webpage or you can stop by the City Clerk’s Office, located within City Hall to view the agenda packet.
While we understand the desire for citizens to have the agendas and minutes in Spanish, there is no legal or statutory requirement to do so. Therefore, we will continue to have these documents available in English only.
As soon as they are approved at the next City Council meeting.
The City has four main commissions, Planning, Parks and Recreation, Sister City Commissions, and Veterans Commission
During the recruitment period, you may submit an application for consideration for appointment to a City Commission. The terms of office of the current Commissioners expire as follows:
Planning Commissioners – Serve two-year terms-current terms expire December 2023
Parks & Recreation Commissioners – Serve one-year terms-current terms expire December 2023
Sister City Commissioners – Serve two-year terms-current terms expire December 2023
Veterans Commission – Serve two-year terms-current terms expire December 2023
Recruitments occur two months prior to the expiration of the current terms as well as when there are unexpected vacancies due to resignations etc. Recruitment notices are published in the City’s newsletter the Profile will have information as well.
Further, the Office of the City Clerk accepts applications on a continuous basis, which are kept on file for a period of one year from the time submitted. Should there be any vacancies during the time your application stays on file, you will receive consideration for an appointment.
Currently, you can access City Council meetings on the City’s YouTube channel, CTV3 Livestream, and Zoom. City Council meetings are available online two days after the original broadcast. Also, City Council Meetings are re-broadcasted the next day on the City’s Cable Channel CTV3 at 11:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. daily.
Yes, to access the Council Chambers use the west side entrance of City Hall which is wheel chair accessible via ramp.
Yes, please contact the City Clerk prior to your attendance or upon entering the Council Chamber you may request a device from staff.
When you enter the Council Chamber, please see the staff person at the back table and ask to be given a public speaker card. In Pico Rivera we use a color-coded system for public speakers as follows: use or request a yellow card to offer comments on items that are on the public hearing section of the agenda. Use a green card to offer comments on other items whether on the agenda or not.
Please visit the City Council meetings webpage found within the City Clerk’s webpage.
By way of City resolution, every speaker has three (3) minutes to offer public comments.
Because audio tapes are becoming obsolete, the City Clerk’s Office no longer provides these. However, copies of DVDs of City Council meetings are available upon request for a fee of $7.00 each.
The municipal code is nothing more than a compilation of all the laws passed in the form of Ordinances by the City Council that are codified by titles and divided into subject matter. It can be viewed on-line through the City Clerk’s Office on the City website. You can also purchase a copy of the entire municipal code for $55.00.
Not at the present time. However, we are looking to institute a process for on-line regular postings of these materials.
By writing, calling or stopping by City Hall.
The Office of the City Clerk accepts the claims, and the City’s Risk Management Division processes the claims.
The Office of the City Clerk accepts subpoenas. Please note that the City Clerk does not process or initiate any action on these matters. We simply collect the subpoena and pass it along to the respective parties involved and our legal counsel.
The City of Pico Rivera was incorporated on January 29, 1958.
Pico Rivera is a General Law City, meaning that state law describes the city’s form of
Government. For example, Government Code section 36501 authorizes general law cities be governed by a city council of five members, a city clerk, a city treasurer, a police chief, a fire chief and any subordinate officers or employees as required by law. City electors may adopt an ordinance which provides for a different number of council members. Cal. Gov’t section 34871. The Government Code also authorizes the “city manager” form of government. Cal. Gov’t Code § 34851.
Yes, the City Clerk manages all of the City’s records as the city’s official custodian of records. Please visit the City Clerk’s page
Any record that belongs to the City including City Council, Redevelopment Agency, Housing Assistance Agency, Public Financing Authority and Water Authority are considered records of the City. The City Clerk does not maintain County, State or Federal records.
The Public Records Act is the law that contains all of the provisions under which records can and cannot be disclosed. (Government Code Section 6250).
As a general rule any record that is considered exempted under the California Public Records Act (GC Section 6250).
The Office of City Clerk is one of the oldest established offices in human history and the profession itself is among the oldest dating back to antiquity. From a historical perspective, the profession of City Clerk can be traced to biblical times and even before that.
In antiquity, ancient Greece and Rome had a city secretary who read official documents publicly. At the opening of a meeting, one of his duties was to read a curse upon anyone who should seek to deceive the people.
The early keepers of the archives were called remembrancers, and before writing came into use, their memory was the public record. The title as we know it today it is derived from the middle ages. A “Clerk” was any member of a religious order, a “cleric” or “clergyman.” Since, for all practical purposes, the scholarship of the middle Ages was limited to the clergy, the name “clerk” came to be synonymous with “scholar.”
The Office of Clerk can be traced back to the year 1272 A.D. in the History of the Corporation of Old London. In the 1500’s in England there was not only the “Towne Clarke” but also the “Clerc Comptroller of the King’s Honorable Household.” In 1603, there was a “Clarke General of the Armie.” King Henry the Eight had a “Clarke of the Spicery” and King Charles had his “Clerk of the Robes.”
When early colonists came to America, they set up forms of local government to which they had been accustomed, and the office of the clerk was one of the first established.
(Source: City Clerk’s Handbook, 2004 edition, page 1-1.)
The profession of City Clerk is as relevant today as it was in the past whereby every town, city, county, borough, special district, school district, state and even the United States Congress has its own Clerk. In the United States Congress, we find the “Office of the Clerk of the United States House of Representatives” and similarly, at the state level here in California, we find the “Office of the Chief Clerk” in Sacramento.
The duties of the City Clerk are prescribed by statute and are outlined in the California Government Code. The duties of the Clerk can vary from city to city. However, generally speaking a City Clerk is tasked with: keeping a correct record of journal proceedings through minutes; serving as accounting officer and maintaining financial records; publishing city’s financial report; maintaining book of ordinances; resolutions and minutes; retaining custody of all city records; being the custodian of the city seal; acting as an ex-officio assessor; administering oaths of office to elected officials and city staff; taking and certifying affidavits and depositions; indexing all city records; maintaining a records retention program; conducting and managing elections; acting as secretary to all city entities (Redevelopment, Housing, Water and Public Financing Authorities); receiving petitions relating to initiatives, referendum or recall processes; countersigning general obligation bonds; attesting to subpoenas; giving notices of public hearings; filing official bonds; accepting request for proposals; accepting and opening bids; serving as filing officer for the Political Reform Act; maintaining appointive list of all commissioners; preparing agendas; answering citizen inquiries about city business; maintaining the municipal code; conducting voter registration drives; notarizing documents; acting as archivist or city historian; processing public records requests and other duties as assigned.
The Office of the City Clerk can be reached at (562) 801-4389.
The City Clerk’s Office hours are Monday through Thursday 7:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Closed on Federal Holidays.
City Council
Updated members of the Pico Rivera City Council can be found here.
Yes, all regular City Council meetings are open to the public. Pursuant to state law, council meetings that deal with personnel or legal issues are closed and not open to the public.
Live coverage of City Council meetings are available on Time Warner Cable channel 3, Verizon FiOS Channel 33 and AT&T U-Verse Channel 99 (Pico Rivera). Meetings are also available online within 48 hours of the meeting date by clicking here. Live streaming of council meetings are not available at this time.
There are five members serving on the Council.
No, members of the City Council are elected “at large,” meaning each one is elected by voters from throughout the entire city and therefore represent all residents of Pico Rivera.
The members of the City Council also serve as the board of directors for the Pico Rivera Water Authority, Finance Authority and the Pico Rivera Housing Authority.
The members of City Council serve four-year terms. Municipal elections are held in odd numbered years on the first Tuesday following the first Monday in November. The council terms overlap with three members selected at one election and two at the next.
The Mayor and the Mayor Pro Tem are selected by the City Council from among its own members. The Mayor serves as the presiding officer at city council meetings, with the Mayor Pro Tem filling that role in the Mayor’s absence. Both the Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem have the same voting power as any other council member.
You can contact the City Council office at (562) 801-4371 or send an email to scastro@pico-rivera.org.
How do I request that a member of the City Council come to a Grand Opening or other community event?
You can contact the City Council office by calling (562) 801-4371 or sending an email to scastro@pico-rivera.org.
City Manager
The City Manger is Steven Carmona
The City Council oversees the City Manager.
You may contact the City Manager’s office by calling (562) 801-4371.
The City Manager is appointed by the City Council to implement the vision and policies of the City Council and provide the council with objective information and advice relating to City programs, services and projects. The Manager also serves as the City’s chief administrator, supervises all City Department Directors and the Pico Rivera Sheriff’s Station, is responsible for the enforcement of local laws and ordinances, prepares the City’s annual budget and oversees economic development strategies.
While the City Manager does provide objective information and make recommendations to the City Council, the City Council has sole responsibility and authority to determine policy. The City Manager is bound by whatever decisions the Council makes.
The City Manager serves at the pleasure of the City Council and therefore can be fired by a majority decision of the Council, consistent with local laws, ordinances, and/or employment agreements between the City Council and the City Manager.
The position of Assistant City Manager assumes command in the absence of the City Manager.
The Assistant to the City Manager provides support to the City Manager in managing the day-to-day operations of the City. The Assistant to the City Manager serves in an Acting City Manager capacity during the City Manager’s absence. In addition, the Assistant to the City Manager is responsible for managing special projects and city-wide agreements as assigned.
Code Enforcement
If you receive a Notice of Violation, then the City has confirmed that a violation exists at your property. You must comply with the actions required in the notice and you must comply by the specified deadline. If the information on the notice is unclear, please call the Neighborhood Services Division and speak with the Officer assigned to your case.
No, portable basketball hoops and play equipment are prohibited from being stored in the front yard, on your driveway or on the street. This equipment can only be placed in the backyard and out of public view.
You may submit a complaint over the phone at (562) 801-4332 or in person during normal business hours at the public counter.
When submitting a complaint, please ensure to have the exact property address as well as a detailed description of the violation and any other pertinent information. Complaints can be submitted anonymously via telephone or in-person.
Our Neighborhood Improvement Officers typically conduct an inspection of the property within five (5) business days or less. The time frames for compliance vary; some cases are resolved quickly while others may take some time to resolve. Please note that all details and information regarding open cases are confidential and are not subject to public disclosure. We appreciate your patience.
Detached storage sheds of any size (whether or not they are prefabricated) require Zoning Consistency approval from the Planning Division to ensure that the storage shed complies with setback and lot coverage requirements; these structures shall not have electrical or plumbing. Storage sheds of 120 square feet or larger, and storage sheds that are attached to structures, also require a building permit. For additional information, please contact the Planning Division at (562) 801-4332 or the Building Division at (562) 801-4360.
Yes, covered patios of any kind or size require both approvals from the Planning Division and a building permit. For additional information, please contact the Planning Division at (562) 801-4332 or the Building Division at (562) 801-4360.
If you receive an Administrative Citation, you must comply with the actions required and also pay the citation amount. Your compliance date to complete the “Actions Required” is specified on the citation. Payment of the citation is due within thirty (30) days from the date that the citation was issued.
No, garages are not constructed as habitable structures and shall not be used for living purposes at any time. Anybody that has converted their garage will be required to obtain the necessary permits to restore the garage to its original use. For information regarding the requirements to legally convert a garage, please contact the Planning Division at (562) 801-4332.
No, inoperative vehicles located on a residential property can only be stored in a legally permitted garage.
No, vehicles can only be parked on the street or in a legally permitted garage, carport or driveway.
Each single-family residential property shall have not more than three dogs and/or cats, or any combination of dogs and cats not exceeding three.
Yes, you are responsible for maintaining the landscaped parkway area in front of your residence. Corner properties are also responsible for the parkway area along both street-facing sides of their property.
Yes, as the property owner you are legally responsible for all violations at your property, whether or not they existed prior to the date of purchase.
No, signage is prohibited on street/utility poles, pedestrian walkways, parkways or any other public right-of-way area. The City automatically issues Administrative Citations when such signage is found.
To find the most up-to-date information on COVID-19, please visit https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/your-health/covid-by-county.html
Special Events
Contact our Special Events Coordinator at (562) 801-2166 or email elee@pico-rivera.org for complete sponsorship information.
To become a vendor/exhibitor, download the Vendor Guidelines Handbook, and complete the Vendor/Exhibitor Application for a food vendor also complete a County of Los Angeles Public Health Plan and Application for Temporary Event Food and Beverage Stands. Additional fees may apply.
For more information, please contact the City of Pico Rivera, Department of Parks & Recreation at (562) 801-4430 or email recreation@pico-rivera.org.
Complete a Volunteer Application Form and bring it in to any City Facility or mail it in to the Volunteer Program at:
City of Pico Rivera
Volunteer Program
Post Office Box 1016
Pico Rivera, CA 90660
Please allow three weeks to process your application.
A New Way to Engage
6615 Passons Boulevard Pico Rivera, CA 90660
Phone Number: (562) 942-2000
City Hall is open Monday – Thursday
7:30AM to 5:30PM