Project: I-605 Corridor Improvement Project
Brief description: Metro’s plan for less congestion includes addressing chronic traffic congestion and planning for future growth on the I-605 Freeway between the I-105 and I-10 freeways. These changes are aimed at creating better traffic flow on area streets, enhancing safety, and improving access to local destinations.
The I-605 – Beverly Boulevard Interchange Modifications from Beverly Blvd to SB I-605 (Post Miles: Begin 14.10 End 14.60) is described in the SCAG Draft 2023 FTIP Project Listing as follows:
SB I-605 loop on and off ramp removal and reconfiguration of the existing interchange at Beverly Blvd. The southbound I-605 collector-distributor road will be removed from the mainline and the new ramps will merge/diverge directly from the mainline.
Project timeline + next major milestone: Metro and Caltrans are working with the Gateway Cities Council of Government to develop a detailed Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement (EIR/EIS) for this project. An update dated October 7, 2020, is posted at:
The PA & ED phase is on hold due to Metro Board motion and will resume after further approval from the Metro Board. The Metro Board of Directors held its regular October meeting virtually on Thursday, Oct. 22, 2020, at which the Board approved a motion by several Board Members directing staff to draw up a new and less impactful project alternative for the I-605 Improvements Project.
Project Budget: As referenced in the SCAG Draft 2023 FTIP Project Listing, Project ID LA0G1451, the project, as originally scoped, is programmed to cost a total of $26,792,000.
Pictures + Designs: