Program to increase accessibility of renewable energy across income levels

In 2023, Pico Rivera Innovative Municipal Energy (PRIME) will launch the PRIME Access Program, which expands renewable energy access to income-qualified customers in underserved communities, while providing an additional discount to their monthly bill.

The PRIME Access Program offers eligible customers 100% renewable energy at a discounted rate. The purpose of the program is to ensure customers who would otherwise not have access to clean energy are able to purchase it at an affordable price. Not only will PRIME Access customers save on their power bills, but they will also benefit the environment by participating.

PRIME customers are eligible for the program if they qualify for California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) or Family Electric Rate Assistance (FERA), and if they reside in a state-determined disadvantaged community as defined by CalEnviroScreen. The program will automatically enroll all eligible customers, prioritizing customers by the highest risk of disconnection or default.

Enrolled community members will receive 100% renewable energy at a 20% discount on their electricity bills on top of their preexisting CARE and FERA discounts.

For more information, please contact Ashley Cooper at (562) 801-4393 or via email at

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