The City invited residents to take part in a series of Town Hall Community Meetings to discuss a couple of ambitious City projects, Pico Rivera 2035 and the Historic Whittier Boulevard Revitalization Program, along with an update from our Sheriff’s Department.

Pico Rivera 2035, or simply 2035, is a strategic approach to accelerate a collection of innovative plans, programs, and projects along five priority corridors that are ripe for revitalization: Washington Boulevard, Rosemead Boulevard, Whittier Boulevard, the Rio Hondo, and the San Gabriel River. PR 2035 presents a unique opportunity to establish a formal yet dynamic downtown, a vibrant uptown, lively river fronts, and inspiring places that reflect the rich history, culture, and diversity of Pico Rivera.

The Historic Whittier Boulevard Revitalization Program (HWB) consists of several programs, plans, projects, and policies with the Historic Whittier Blvd. The HWB Program includes the development of two plans – the Historic Whittier Boulevard Multimodal Revitalization Plan, paid for through a Caltrans Sustainable Communities Planning Grant, and the Whittier Boulevard Specific Plan. The Specific Plan will articulate a vision for a new and improved Whittier Boulevard and represents a strategic planning approach to formally embrace and reflect the rich history, culture, and diversity of Pico Rivera while cultivating a people-oriented and equitable place where all community members thrive. The Whittier Boulevard Multimodal Revitalization Plan is separate from HWB but will be a key component of the Specific Plan that focuses on multimodal improvements to walking, bicycling, transit access, and micro transit. In whole, the Historic Whittier Boulevard Revitalization Program will create an area that Pico Rivera does not have, an official “Uptown” district.

The two-hour presentations were held at the Senior Center, Rivera Park, and City Hall last month and provided an opportunity for residents to ask City staff about the projects. Those that were in attendance, both in person and on Zoom, were engaged and provided valuable feedback to help frame the strategic direction of the City’s community revitalization efforts.

“Having these meetings is just the beginning for us as a City to start thinking about the future,” said City Manager Steve Carmona. “Our staff is hard at work creating a revitalization plan for the City, and it’s exciting to bring those plans to our residents, to get their feedback, and to start turning those plans into reality for future generations.”

In addition to the project discussions, Pico Rivera Sheriff’s Station Captain, Jodi Hutak, was on hand to discuss Public Safety and other topic associated with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. Residents were able to ask questions or voice any concerns they had about the Sheriff’s Department. City staff plans to host more Community Meetings in the coming months.

For additional information and updates about PR 2035, or the Historic Whittier Boulevard Revitalization Program, you may visit the City’s website at or call City Hall at 562.942.2000.

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