The City’s Comprehensive Zoning Code Update process is underway!

In September of this year, the Pico Rivera City Council approved an expansion to the Citywide Design Standards and Guidelines project to include an update to the City’s zoning code (Title 18 of the Municipal Code). The project, officially named the Comprehensive Zoning Code Update (CZCU), builds upon the previous project and will result in a revised zoning code with clear development and design standards to better serve City staff, development applicants, and the greater community. Visit the City’s project website by scanning the QR Code and signing up for updates!

What is the Zoning Code?
The zoning code is a regulatory tool that implements the policies of the General Plan, a long-range planning document that details the City’s vision for future development. The zoning code effectively functions as the legal tool cities use to determine what can be built and where.

Why is there a need for the Comprehensive Zoning Code Update (CZCU)?
The CZCU is necessary to implement the goals of the City’s General Plan, which was last updated in 2014 and includes several policies that require amendments to the zoning code. The project will mark the first time the zoning code has received a comprehensive update since 1993. Specifically, this update will:
» Address State policies to facilitate housing development;
» Set clear expectations for the design of new development;
» Organize the structure of the zoning code, and
» Streamline the development review and approvals process.

How to get involved
Attend the next scheduled Study Sessions on Monday, December 18,
2023, and Monday, February 5,
2024 at the City Council Chambers at 6:00 p.m.
For more information, visit the project website here.



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