The fifth graders at Rivera Elementary received a send-off that they weren’t expecting, thanks to a group of volunteer parents, the school’s Parent Teacher Organization (PTO).

The PTO had been working all year to ensure that this year’s fifth grade class get recognized for all of their hard work and dedication this past year.

The persistence and patience of the PTO paid off and had a couple of big surprises for the fifth-grade class. PTO members had been contacting several local organizations and corporations for donations to the fifth-grade class. One big donation came in from the local Chick-fil-A. The local store came through with a huge food donation for the fifth-grade carnival that was held during the last week of school.

The second big donation came as a surprise to the PTO and a bigger surprise to the fifth graders. The school’s principal delivered the news to all the fifth graders that the PTO had arranged a special field trip to a place called Dodger Stadium. The Los Angeles Dodgers had accepted the request and provided tickets for all the fifth graders to attend the Dodgers versus Pirates game in early June.

Certainly, a great way to end the year, thanks to the generous donations and the hard work of the school’s PTO.

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