SB 1383 –Organics Recycling
The State of California is now experiencing the effects of a climate crisis: hotter
summers, more fire seasons, extreme droughts, and rising sea levels.
Why does food waste and organic waste need to be separated? Landfills are
the third-largest source of Methane in California. Organic waste in the landfills
emits 20% of the state’s methane, a climate super pollutant 84x more potent that
carbon dioxide.

Beginning July 1, 2022, residents will have to separate their food waste and all
other organic waste into a clear plastic bag and dispose of it in the green bin.

What goes in the Organics/Green Waste Bin?
Food scraps, yard trimmings, paper, cardboard, coffee, coffee filters, tea bags,
used pizza boxes, used paper napkins, paper plates, paper bags, paper containers,
untreated wood, natural fibers (popsicle sticks, wooden chopsticks, toothpicks).

What does NOT go in the Organics/Green Waste Bin?
Paper containers with a plastic or wax coating, take-out boxes with metal that
cannot be removed, clothing or textiles, pet waste and cat litter, wine corks, rocks
and soil, diapers, cigarette butts and ashes, styrofoam, anything that does not
break down naturally.

For more information, contact NASA Services at 888.888.0388.

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