About the Urban Greening Plan
The Pico Rivera Urban Greening Plan includes a safe and connected bicycle and pedestrian network, identified new green spaces, and created a unifying street tree canopy plan for more walkable and bikeable neighborhoods. The Urban Greening Plan was made possible by the State of California Natural Resources Agency with funds by the Safe Drinking Water, Water Quality and Supply, Flood Control, River and Coastal Protection Act of 2006.
What are the benefits of urban greening?
Urban Greening can provide numerous environmental and community benefits by reducing flooding and sewer overflow by absorbing large amounts of stormwater. This provides wildlife habitat, helps to maintain air quality, and provides green space for neighborhood socializing and community building. Urban Greening can also help to create “Green Streets” that enable safe and attractive access throughout the city by foot, transit, bicycle, and car.

For more information, please contact:
Julia Gonzalez, Deputy Director
Community & Economic Development
6615 Passons Boulevard
Pico Rivera, CA 90660