Historic Whittier Boulevard Multimodal Plan
In April 2024, the City of Pico Rivera adopted the Historic Whittier Boulevard (HWB) Multimodal Plan, which will serve as the mobility element of the Vision Plan.
The Multimodal Plan focuses on multimodal improvements to walking, bicycling, transit access, and micro transit.
Goals & Objectives

Engage & Empower Community Members

Promote healthy lifestyles & safer streets for all

Focus on the Most Vulnerable

Simulate economic growth & community prosperity

Mixed-Use Transit-Oriented Development

Improve access to parks, open & recreation space
Project Timeline
Projects on Whittier Boulevard
The PAD Park
Mobility & Streetscape Plan
Business Improvement District
Bus Shelter Improvements
Median Landscaping & Beautification
Innovation & Design Lab
Pio Pico Park Bridge/Trail
Electrical Box Art Program
More information on these projects coming soon!
Project Partners

The City of Pico Rivera
The City of Pico Rivera and the Pico Rivera City Council have developed the holistic vision for Pico Rivera 2035, which includes the Historic Whittier Boulevard Revitalization program. The City will lead the implementation of the Historic Whittier Boulevard Revitalization program which will seek to reimagine and uplift our historic corridor into a resilient, walkable, people-oriented “uptown” featuring thriving businesses, housing and community spaces. City staff will embark on immersive and robust community outreach campaigns to educate residents and stakeholders, solicit feedback and integrate it into the plans for the future Historic Whittier Boulevard starting with the development of a Specific Plan and Multi-Modal Streetscapes Plan.
CivicWell (Formerly Local Government Commission)
CivicWell is a 501c non-profit organization that supports local elected officials, community organizations and government agencies in implementing policies that deliver sustainable, equitable and livable communities. CivicWell is partnering with the City of Pico Rivera to provide direct assistance through program management and project coordination services across multiple projects that collectively form the Historic Whittier Boulevard Revitalization program, a component of the larger Pico Rivera 2035. CivicWell is actively managing the development of the final Specific Plan and Multi-Modal Streetscape Plan for the Historic Whittier Boulevard Revitalization Program.
Day One
Day one is a 501c non-profit organization with over 30 years of experience conducting community outreach, facilitating community meetings, forming coalitions, and implementing community-driven strategies that promote healthy, active communities through evidence based policy and health-oriented city/urban planning. Day one specializes in meaningfully engaging communities and youth, especially among vulnerable and underserved communities. Day One will work directly with CivicWell to support community outreach, engagement and communication efforts under the Historic Whitter Boulevard Revitalization Program.
Upcoming Events
Join the Virtual Community Town Hall Meetings
Topic: Town Hall Town Hall Meeting
Time: Feb 27, 2023 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 837 4946 6526
Passcode: 623112
One tap mobile
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+16699006833,,83749466526#,,,,*623112# US (San Jose)
Project Timeline
- Community Outreach & Engagement – December 2022 – September 2023
- Background, Discovery, & Existing Conditions Research – November 2022 – April 2024
- Draft and Final Plans Developed – July 2022 – June 2024
A New Way to Engage
6615 Passons Boulevard Pico Rivera, CA 90660
Phone Number: (562) 942-2000
City Hall is open Monday – Thursday
7:30AM to 5:30PM